5 Posts



Customizable Hardware Storage

I have been in need of a storage solution for my larger hardware for quite a while. The reason why it has taken so long is that I have been trying to figure out how best to store my hardware.


3D Modelling New Side for Our Old Extractor Hood

The sides of our extractor hood are made of plastic and over the years it has become very crusty, yellow, and broken apart. It would fall off the extractor hood if one bumped it or from the vibrations from the fan spinning.


Wood Shelves With Leather Straps

My wife and I saw these wood shelves in a Christmas catalog last year and we really liked them. The price for these shelves was quite a lot. Essentially since it is just a small wooden plank and a couple of leather straps.


Firewood Sheds

We needed some firewood sheds to store our firewood and here is why.


Building a Traditional Danish Woodworking Workbench

The first big project I made in the shop was a door. Doing that project, it became clear that I needed a proper workbench. I was using a small workbench for kids because that was what I had.