47 Posts



Encrypt Cloud Storage With Cryptomator

I will no longer have a server (NAS) running 24/7 as I have done for the past 15+ years. So, I try out Cryptomator as a solution to encrypt files in the cloud.


Podcasts I Listen to in 2023

It has become a bit of a tradition on this blog that I every few years compile a list of the podcasts I listen to.


New Site - Moved From WordPress to Hugo

This site has moved from ronn-bundgaard.dk to ronnbundgaard.com. But, not only that. The site is now made with the static site generator Hugo


The Cost of Self Hosting

A hard drive died in my TrueNAS server this week and I really, really did not want to spend money on that right now. This got me thinking about the cost of running your own server and self-hosting compared to just subscribing to streaming services.


Notetaking Update - Moving from OneNote To Obsidian

It has been over 5 years since my last notetaking update and how and why I take notes has changed a lot since then.


I Moved From Plex to Jellyfin

I have used Plex for many years on my server and I have even paid for a lifetime Plex pass. However, I no longer use Plex because I am no longer comfortable using it.


Freenas/ZFS Does Not Like the New Wd Red SMR Drives

At the beginning of April, my awesome FreeNAS server started to report warnings on one of my 8 3TB hard drives. I replaced it with a new WD red drive because it is supposed to be a NAS-specific drive and not an SMR drive.


Podcasts I Listen to in 2019

It has been about five years since I last wrote about the podcasts I listen to and there has been some changes. So, I thought it was time to update the list.


Back on FreeNAS Two Months Update

A couple of months ago I build a FreeNAS server after using two Drobos for a couple of years. You can read more about that in the article I replaced my Drobos with a FreeNAS server. However, now I have used FreeNAS again for a couple of months and I have some thoughts that I would like to share.


I Replaced My Drobos With a FreeNAS Server

It has been a few years since I replace my trusty old FreeNAS server with two old Drobos. You can read about that in my article [I Replaced My FreeNAS Server With a Drobo. However, now it is finally…. time to replace those Drobos with a proper FreeNAS server.