Podcasts I Listen to in 2023

It has become a bit of a tradition on this blog that I every few years compile a list of the podcasts I listen to.

It has become a bit of a tradition on this blog that I every few years compile a list of the podcasts I listen to.

This time it has been about four years since I last wrote about the podcasts I listen to in 2019 and there have been some changes. So, I thought it was time to update the list.

While most of these podcasts have a weekly release some are bi-weekly. In making the list I always am a bit surprised by how many podcasts I listen to every week. But, I love podcasts and I have a job where I can listen a lot doing the day. But I also listen to them while commuting, cleaning the house, working in the shop, doing exercise, going to sleep, and so on.

Podcast List As Of August 2023

ww Windows Weekly
sn Security Now
sh Self Hosted
lup Linux Unplugged
oh Office Hours
cr Coder Radio
lnl Late Night Linux
25a 2.5 Admins
lad Linux After Dark
lm Linux Matters
ths The Homelab Show
l1s Level1 Show
wf Waveform Podcast
tmz The Melt Zone
wt Wood Talk