Martin Rønn

Software Developer • Carpenter • Bookworm • Outdoor


Podcasts I Listen to in 2023

It has become a bit of a tradition on this blog that I every few years compile a list of the podcasts I listen to.


New Site - Moved From WordPress to Hugo

This site has moved from to But, not only that. The site is now made with the static site generator Hugo


The Cost of Self Hosting

A hard drive died in my TrueNAS server this week and I really, really did not want to spend money on that right now. This got me thinking about the cost of running your own server and self-hosting compared to just subscribing to streaming services.


Notetaking Update - Moving from OneNote To Obsidian

It has been over 5 years since my last notetaking update and how and why I take notes has changed a lot since then.


I Moved From Plex to Jellyfin

I have used Plex for many years on my server and I have even paid for a lifetime Plex pass. However, I no longer use Plex because I am no longer comfortable using it.


Customizable Hardware Storage

I have been in need of a storage solution for my larger hardware for quite a while. The reason why it has taken so long is that I have been trying to figure out how best to store my hardware.


3D Modelling New Side for Our Old Extractor Hood

The sides of our extractor hood are made of plastic and over the years it has become very crusty, yellow, and broken apart. It would fall off the extractor hood if one bumped it or from the vibrations from the fan spinning.