

Resetting My Workflow Good Day Onenote I Have Missed You

Some weeks back I switched my note-taking and writing workflow to a plain text and Markdown-based system. The switch sent me on a workflow rollercoaster and it ended with a crash. Therefore, I have reset my workflow to where it last worked


Whisker Menu Dark Theme

The Whisker Menu has become the default menu in Xubuntu 14.04. I really like the Whisker menu. The Whiskers menu is one of the first things I installed on an XFCE desktop and has been since I discovered it a couple of years ago.


Kingston Datagraveler Vault Privacy 3.0 First Impressions

After the developers of TrueCrypt declared the encryption suite insecure and recommended users of TrueCrypt to find other solutions. I have been doing just that.


There Is a Pelican in My Blog

Not too long ago I switched from a Djangobased blog I wrote myself, to WordPress. I switched because I did not have the time to keep adding features and keep it up-to-date.


How I Use a Usb Stick and Git to Sync My Data

The way most people use a USB stick is to just work directly from it. However, that is the wrong way of doing it. That is why I will show you how to use git on a USB stick


I Say Goodbye to Microsoft Onenote

For the past 6+ years, I have used Microsoft OneNote for most of my note-taking. However, for the past couple of years, I have tried to find an open-source note-taking tool that suits my needs. I finally found one….. well sort of.


R.I.P Truecrypt

There have been many speculations as to whether the TrueCrypt website was hacked or it is the real thing. I believe it to be the real thing and that makes me sad. I do not like the way the Developers of TrueCrypt just one day out of the blue made an end to it without any explanation.


The Podcasts I Listen To

I have listened to audiobooks ever since I was a child. Therefore, listening to podcasts is a very natural way for me to consume information. For the most part, I listen to podcasts and audiobooks on my daily commute to, and from work.


Why I Moved to Wordpress

Two years ago, I wanted a blog. At that time, I was in school and had a lot of spare time on my hand. Therefore, I thought it would be a nice learning experience to write the blog myself.


Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini With Cyanogenmod 11

The risk of me throwing the phone into the wall in frustration finally became greater than the risk of bricking the phone doing the process of rooting the phone and installing Cyanogenmod.